Home Town Media: 2020 Year in Review
The Home Town Media team has been busy this year, wading into some uncharted territory while doubling down on our core products. We’ve also been busy innovating: during 2020, we built a website where you navigate our products and services. There’s even a chatbot that may pop up and ask you how your day is going. You’ll see past works and get a sense of what Home Town Media can do for you.
We expanded our publishing house, launching a new suite of products and services. We’ve been keeping up with demand for everything from art books to industry-specific translations, and learning a lot about how to deliver the highest quality products along the way.
2020 Publications
Earlier in the year, before we were confined to home-office, we completed the Austrian Startup Monitor 2019. The book was the primary reference for a #TechCruch article naming Vienna an emerging European startup hub. The forthcoming 2020 version will take climate change into perspective and see how startups are leading the charge, so stay tuned!
In a unique request, we had the opportunity to give network of translators a run for their money, translating and publishing an art history thesis on an 18th century oil sketch artist Franz Sigrist who’s paintings still line museums and churches across Vienna.
We published 100 Startups Made in Austria alongside key partners Venionaire Capital, go-international WKO and Florian Kandler. If you’re an investor or company anywhere in the world, learn more about #Austria’s burgeoning startup scene: Their growth strategies, lessons learned, responses to #COVID-19 and more.
Rounding off the year, we collaborated on content creation and publication of a photobook Lockdown: Vienna Nights in the Time of Corona. It is a #photographic and essay retrospective of the spring of 2020, when the first #COVID19 lockdown brought Vienna to a standstill. Digital media artist Danny LoCascio paints an extraordinary picture of how the empty, quiet streets shaped Vienna during these challenging times.
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Stay in touch and forward our details on to anyone in need of an English language support!
Ryan Powell
Head of Media Development and Projects, Home Town Media GmbH